Bike kitchen lund

Bike Kitchen Lund, Lund. Free Bicycle Workshop, where you can get advice and use tools to fix your. Is your rusty chain making you late for lectures?

Perhaps your buckled wheels are giving you a. You can also volunteer or bring.

Vi tillhandahåller råd och verktyg helt utan kostnad. Och så finns det inte i studentstaden Lund – det är ju helt galet! Our bicycle workshop is open for everybody who wants to fix their bikes. Volunteers will be there to guide you. Used spare parts are available.

We do not help people to cut open bicycle locks. INFORMATION angående verksamhet för ungdomar från HVB-hem.

I Lunds kommuns evenemangskalender hittar du evenemang i Lund. Konserter, föreställningar, utställningar, barnaktiviteter, guidade turer och mycket mer. Andra bil-relaterade ställen i närheten. Vårt uppdrag är att berika Lunds kulturliv genom olika arrangemang och stödformer.

Do you feel lost in Lund during the summer? Kitchen ” is open hours a week and allows anyone to bring their bike. One of the most beautiful things that I find in Lund is the bike devotion.

It is not only the fact of. Mike and Maria are very hospitable hosts and always ready to help. Beautiful and quiet street.

Comfortable accommodation with kitchen and bikes. I will be studying in Lund the next semester. For repairs and actual bike parts, go to the bike kitchen.

The room is near the bathroom and kitchen which is nice. Malmö och Lund saknar ett eget hem. Moreover, the kitchen is well-equipped and perfect for party.

Explore other options in and around Lund.